About Me

Welcome to My Pet Nanny

My name is Lisa and I am My Pet Nanny. I would like to share a little bit about myself and how I started My Pet Nanny.

In 2004 I took a course offered out of the West Shore to learn more about dog behaviour, from there I decided to start volunteering with several community rescue groups and shelters such as the SPCA dog walking program, Broken Promises Rescue fostering program, The Farm Rescue fostering program, CRD Shelter cat fostering. I began to take in extremely challenging dogs who had come from traumatic situations. They were either completely shut down or had very little social skills with humans or other dogs. This presented several challenges however it also helped me become more skilled and knowledgable with dogs. When I felt the dogs were ready to be placed in their forever homes I would then provide the family with the support and follow through to ensure a successful adoption. I was then able to bridge this knowledgable into my dog business. In 2006 I began pet sitting, doing private dog walks and building small packs of dogs to walk on leash. Several courses over the years in dog behaviour, on leash control and handling and managing aggression have all helped me continue to gain knowledge for my business.

Over the years I continued to build my on-leash packs with what started as 4 dogs and built up to walking dozens of dogs daily on leash in pack environments. Learning along the way, I continued to build my skill set in the field through experience which expanded my dog-handling knowledge. Fast forward 17 years later to current time. I pride myself in walking on leash social packs of dogs built on trust, balance, conditioning and love. My business has afforded me with several client connections that has allowed me to help my clients have a better understanding of the human / dog relationship. Ensuring every dog I manage is transported safely to and from our walking destination as well as has the ability to grow and be nutured in their walking environment. This is of the utmost of importance to me. Seeing dogs become the best versions of themselves is one of the reasons I absoluetly love doing this. Dog walking and pet care is not a job for me but rather a way of life. I consider myself to me an incredibly fortunate person to be able to work and be involved in the community of Sooke.